Now Accepting Applications for the 2025-26 School Year
Every year the Memphis-Shelby County Education Association awards scholarships to dependents of M-SCEA members.
To qualify for this scholarship, the student must:
* Be a dependent of a member of the Memphis-Shelby County Education Association
* Attend a public college or university in Tennessee
* Planning to pursue a career in education
The deadline for returning an application and all required documents to M-SCEA is the second Thursday in April, April 10, 2025.
Each year we have members who call us after the application deadline to say they did not know about this opportunity. This year, let’s make sure all our members know about it!
If you have questions or need copies of the application, please contact Marguerite Fitchpatric, M-SCEA Scholarship Program Coordinator,
(901) 454-0966 ext. 30,
Now Accepting Application for the 2025-26 School Year.
Click on the link listed below.
M-SCEA-Scholarship-Application-2025 (pdf)