Constitution & Bylaws – responsible for proposing, explaining & promoting any necessary amendments or revisions
Cultural Affairs – encourages ethnic minority educators to become more knowledgeable and involved in the Association
Elections – conducts all Association elections (annual general elections, special elections, etc.)
Hospitality - responsible for conducting outreach activities, sponsoring events that welcome new members, and promoting fellowship throughout the organization
Human Relations – develops positive programs and activities to improve human relationships
Instruction & Professional Development (IPD) – gives leadership in improving standards, preparation and performance on the part of public school educators
Membership – conducts the annual membership campaign, develops and encourages understanding of the need for a strong union for educators
National Teacher Day – organizes and coordinates a spring banquet to show appreciation for our educators
Public Relations – develops public understanding of the purposes and programs of the Association
Reading Leads to Freedom - responsible for coordinating activities in celebration of reading and literacy
Social Media - develops and implements better ways of sharing, learning, interacting, and marketing to our members
Finance – responsible for the development of sound financial program(s) for the organization